Elena Flores Barreda

Elena Flores Barreda

Full Time Professor- Bioengineering and Chemilcal Engineering Department


Research areas
Teaching experience
 Master in Chemistry, member of the Chemical Society of Peru, the Chemical College, and the Editorial Committee of the Journal I + i Applied Research and Innovation of TECSUP. Full-time research professor at the Department of Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering of UTEC. With experience in the development of new products, in the analysis of various organic and inorganic samples and in the optimization of processes participating in the continuous improvement of their quality. Specializing in Quality Management Systems ISO 9001 and ISO 17025. Organized, orderly, able to lead interdisciplinary work teams and work under pressure. Good academic performance, proficiency in English and German and experience in the use of computer tools  Full Time Professor- Bioengineering and Chemilcal Engineering Department