Christian Flores Vega
Full Time Professor - Electronic Engineering Department
Research areas
Teaching experience
Christian Flores Vega received the M.S degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, in 2010, with emphasis on EEG signal processing. He obtained the degree of Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Ricardo Palma (URP) in 2006. He also holds a specialization in Applied Statistics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) in 2013. He won the International Visiting Fellowship which allowed him to do an internship at the University of Essex (U.K). His lines of research are digital signal processing, data science, machine learning and deep learning applied to Brain-Computer Interfaces and biological signals (EEG, EMG, ECG). In addition, he has experience in the design of electronic smell systems using tin oxide gas sensors, for the discrimination of food products and the obtaining of odor standards. He is currently a full-time professor at the University of Engineering and Technology UTEC.
- Processing of biomedical signals
- Computer Brain Interface (BCI)
- Machine learning for classification and forecasting of various applications
- Signal and Systems Analysis: Throughout the course, the student will understand the importance of continuous and discrete signal analysis and systems through mathematical methods, such as Z-transform, Fourier series and Fourier transform. The course is mandatory for the Electronic Engineering, Mechatronics and Bioengineering curriculum.
- Final Project of Electronic Engineering I: With this course, of a theoretical-practical nature, the student must demonstrate that he has acquired a series of competences considered fundamental in his profession, as well as other more concrete ones concerning the subject of the work. The general objective of this course is to ensure that UTEC students, regardless of their specialty, develop their research competence by applying the fundamentals of this field in their work, as part of their training and competence network
- Final Project of Electronic Engineering II: The course Final Project of Electronic Engineering II of theoretical-practical nature, seeks to guide students in the development of their research work initiated in the previous course of Final Project of Electronic Engineering I, applying engineering design methodology in developing solutions that meet the real needs of society
- Final Project of Mechatronic Engineering II: Final Project of Mechatronic Engineering II seeks to guide students in the development of their research work applying, initiated in the previous course of Final Project of career I, the curriculum component of engineering design, which is understood as the ideation of a system, component or process that meets the real needs of society: a decision-making process (often iterative), in which basic sciences, Mathematics and engineering sciences apply to convert resources optimally to meet these established needs.
- Active Power Filter Design Using Neural Network with a Variable Step-Size Link Alvarez, A., Cherre, J., Flores, C. & Noel, J., 2023, Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Technology Symposium, BTSym 2021 - Emerging Trends in Human Smart and Sustainable Future of Cities Volume 1. Iano, Y., Saotome, O., Kemper Vásquez, G. L., Cotrim Pezzuto, C., Arthur, R. & Gomes de Oliveira, G. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 123-132 10 p. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; vol. 207 SIST). Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congreso › Contribución a la conferencia › revisión exhaustiva
- Cross Mutual Information Analysis of EEG Signals for Cognitive Task Discrimination Link Peralta, J. & Flores, C., 2023, Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Technology Symposium, BTSym 2021 - Emerging Trends in Human Smart and Sustainable Future of Cities Volume 1. Iano, Y., Saotome, O., Kemper Vásquez, G. L., Cotrim Pezzuto, C., Arthur, R. & Gomes de Oliveira, G. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 133-142 10 p. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; vol. 207 SIST). Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congreso › Contribución a la conferencia › revisión exhaustiva
- FPGA-Based Brain-Computer Interface System for Real-Time Eye State Classification Link Acuna, C., Flores, C. & Tarrillo, J., 2023, Proceedings - 36th SBC/SBMicro/IEEE/ACM Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, SBCCI 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., (Proceedings - 36th SBC/SBMicro/IEEE/ACM Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, SBCCI 2023). Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congreso › Contribución a la conferencia › revisión exhaustiva