Bioengineering Science and Cooking Course obtains international recognition
Bioengineering Science and Cooking Course obtains international recognition

The Science and Cooking World Congress organization decided to establish the Science and Cooking World Congress Barcelona-Peru Delegation through the Science & Kitchen course, dictated by the Bioengineering degree at UTEC. This course is not only an external recognition and certification by this organization, but it will also allow us, based on your participation, to demonstrate the importance of engineering in the gastronomic and food fields. For this, the organization has appointed Professor Alejandra Ratti Parandelli as president of the delegation, who will be part of the Commission for the Development of the Manifesto of Scientific Gastronomy, and one of the members of the Scientific Gastronomic Committee of Science and Cooking World Congress Barcelona held every year.
Through the Science & Cooking course, UTEC becomes the first institution in the country to have this recognition.
If you want more information about the Science and Cooking World Congress Barcelona, ​​enter here:


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