According to figures from the League Against Cancer, up to 85% of oncological cases in Peru are detected in late stages. This significantly reduces the chance of a recovery on the part of the patient and the chances of effective treatment. Fortunately, every day, worldwide, new therapies are discovered for the different types of cancer that exist. In this line of research, teachers and students from the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC) have been working on the construction of the first oncogenomic database (cancer genes) in Peru. The project is carried out in partnership with the pharmaceutical company Roche Farma and is part of the VINCI Project (eVidence In oNCology genomIcs).
The platform will allow physicians to enter information about a patient’s medical history, chemotherapy / immunotherapies, affected organs, and genetic sequencing laboratory analysis.
With this data, the web will determine which genes have mutated and which is the best therapy indicated for that specific mutation. In addition, an analysis based on multiple review of clinical research data and reported practice in the literature and large global databases will be carried out. In this way, the treating physician will be able to make a much more informed decision.
The project will allow doctors and researchers to record this information in a secure and centralized way, so that, in the future, the data can be analyzed, identify patterns and discover possible treatments based on the information gathered about cancer genes. Thus, the platform seeks to function efficiently and collaboratively, complying with anonymized and encrypted security protocols on servers. In the future, this type of technology is expected to become a revolutionary tool for the care of cancer patients in Peru.
On the part of ROCHE:
On the part of UTEC: